If you’ve ever explored any of the creeks or rivers in San Diego, you may have spotted wild mint growing along the edges of the water. Manganese: 6%. The bark is used to make medicine. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. One study found mint extracts have potential to treat Alzheimer's symptoms, although more research is needed. Mint leaves are also believed to be a drug used to treat pain in the body. Pepper Mint (Mentha × Piperita) It is a cross of two mints–Watermint and Spearmint. Benefits of Wild Mint & Peppermint. Vitamin C: 2% This combination calms the body and mind while renovating skin and relieving muscles. This species is a source of essential oils and is widely used in herbal medicine, including by Native Americans, who used it as a general tonic and to treat various conditions. (Source) Another study investigated the applications of wild mint in hyperactive gut disorders, and it was found that crude Mentha longifolia extract inhibited spontaneous gut contractions due to its calcium-channel blocking activity. … When planted directly into the ground, they can become invasive and take over a garden. Wild mint is an herb. It is a potent remedy for rel… The appropriate dose of wild mint depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. This body butter is also ideal for distressed skin. It has a strong … While there haven't been studies that look at mint tea and its effects on digestion directly, there is some research on how mint oil, which is a component of mint tea, may be able to help. Because mint plants spread quickly, gardeners tend to grow them in containers. Both Mentha and Monarda genuses are within the same family, called Lamiaceae. (Source) Methanolic extract of Wild mint, in addition to extracts of two other mint species, was found to have a significant antiproliferative effect against human cancer cells. (Source) Wild mint was also found to exhibit markedly high free-radical scavenging activity in an assessment of nine varieties of Mentha species. Chewing leaves of mint freshen breath and offers micro nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, dietary fiber and manganese. Some edible plants have deadly poisonous look-alikes. ", International Journal of Molecular Sciences: "The Anti-Stress Effect of Mentha arvensis in Immobilized Rats", Frontiers in Pharmacology: "Anticancer Effects of Wild Mountain Mentha longifolia Extract in Adrenocortical Tumor Cell Models", Allergy & Rhinology: "Allergic Reaction to Mint Leads to Asthma". (Source) In another study, methanolic extracts of Mentha longifolia and Ocimum basilicum produced remarkable cytotoxic effects on human breast cancer cell lines. With such multifaceted pharmacological applications, this mint varietal offers a refreshing array of health benefits alongside its sweet taste. Benefits of mint. Mint could help relieve nausea Mint is an essential part of aromatherapy. Good field guides are invaluable. Wild cherry is a plant. Total Carbohydrate: 1g Wild cherry is used for colds, whooping cough, bronchitis and other lung problems; diarrhea; gout; digestive disorders; pain; and cancer.It is also used in cough syrups because of its sedative, expectorant, drying, and cough-suppressing effects.. Magnesium: 2% Wild Mint for Antioxidants Reported anonymously by Wild Mint Cafe employees. Mentha arvensis, the corn mint, field mint, or wild mint, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae.It has a circumboreal distribution, being native to the temperate regions of Europe and western and central Asia, east to the Himalaya and eastern Siberia, and North America. The nutritional content of mint varies slightly across varieties. It also soothes the stomach in case of indigestion or inflammation. American wild mint is the only native Mentha of the half-dozen species found in New England. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for wild mint. One Tablespoon of fresh peppermint contains: Fresh peppermint also contains small amounts of vitamins A and C. One Tablespoon of fresh spearmint contains: Fresh spearmint also contains small amounts of vitamins A and C, as well as the minerals iron and calcium. One study found particularly high antioxidant activity and free-radical scavenging ability in methanol extract of wild mint. Down-to-Earth Information and Advice for Organic Living, Who knew that the wild mint that scents afternoon hikes with its fresh smell actually bursts at the helm with health benefits too? We highly recommend the following guides: - Identifying and Harvesting Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants by Steve Brill - Discovering Wild Plantsby Janice Schofield Will freshen laundry when used in the dryer. Mint grows natively on all continents except Antarctica. Folate: 3% If you’re anything like me, you probably love mint, whether it’s in cooking or juice. Gastrointestinal Health. There are many other health benefits of mint, and the good news is that you don't have to eat the whole leaf to experience them. It is also used as a drying agent (astringent) and stimulant. Also sharing evidence-based info on healthy foods, fun recipes, and a unique philosophy on healthy organic living. Crushed Mountain Mint flowers are placed on tooth ache and almost instantly kills pain. (Source) Another study examined ethanol extract of Mentha longifolia and found the extract to protect against crucial types of cell damage. All rights reserved. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. (Source), Much research has found wild mint to have high antioxidant activity that leads to other health benefits. Could Improve Brain Function. It is known to repel the cabbage white butterfly and has many other uses and benefits. Down-to-earth advice rooted in research and healthy skepticism. As a carminative and anti-spasmodic Mint is an excellent and tasty choice for digestive complaints. Crush it in your fingers and give it a smell. Peppermint tea has long been viewed as an excellent way to ease an upset stomach, calming the digestive tract and alleviating indigestion, gas, and cramps. ... so I have rounded up the benefits of vitamin D and why you need to be taking it. Carminatives ease gas and bloating, colic, and flatulence. Wild mint is an herb. Antioxidants. It is vital that you can identify the wild edible plants that you intend to utilize. All varieties of mint leaves may be used fresh, in dried herb form, brewed as a tea, or concentrated in an essential oil. Yes, you CAN use mint in fresh juice. Health benefits of Wild mint 1. Wild mint is often used as a domestic herbal remedy, being valued especially for its antiseptic properties and its beneficial effect on the digestion. In foods and beverages, wild cherry is used as a flavoring agent. If space is a concern Wild Mint can be easily grown and overwintered in containers. Most of us are familiar with the refreshing application of mint, but it has far more to offer than that. In addition, wild mint oil has numerous health benefits which are driving its demand of global essential oils, it would be anticipated that there would be higher returns for the investors of wild mint oil during the forecast period. One study assessed the anticancer activity of the mint varietal, and found it to produce significant antimutagenic effects on mammalian cell lines. Welcome to Wild Mint Personalized Nutrition Counseling . Mint is known for adding a fresh flavor to mint chocolate chip ice cream, mojito cocktails, and lamb dishes. Human trials will be required to determine if mint also has these effects on the human body. Sign up for our once-a-week email with a recap of the week's stories. Mint has also been used for centuries in traditional medicine. (Source), Wild mint is widely used for its digestive benefits, especially for diarrheal disorders. Vitamin A: 9% Daily Value Mint is safe for most people and consuming it doesn't typically cause side effects. The leaves are used to make medicine. Unfortunately, there aren't many human studies documenting the impact mint has on the body apart from digestion support and irritable bowel syndrome relief. Some plants referred to as "mint" also fall under the genus Monarda. Consuming mint might promote brain health. The herb also helps repel rodents and insects. Wild mint has been found to have potent antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidative effects, and even anti-cancer activity. Our Wild Mint Type Fragrance Oil has been specially formulated to release the strong scent of this well known herbaceous plant and provides a strong and prominent smell associated initially with peppermint, eucalyptus and galbanum. One of the most important properties and benefits of mint is that it helps to combat digestive problems. Another study found that smelling peppermint could enhance memory and increase alertness, although it's unknown if ingesting it has similar effects. The true roots are easy to see reaching into the earth from the nodes. Therapeutic Benefits of Cornmint (Wild Mint) Analgesic , Anti-bacterial , Anti-inflammatory , Anti-microbial , Anti-oxidant , Anti-spasmodic , Cooling , Stimulant , Stomachic Recipes & Blends Wild mint is a very pretty plant with fluffy, mauve flowers with a beautiful fresh scent. For content in … Global Wild Mint Oil: A Regional Outlook. It is free from cholesterol. Read on to find out about the health benefits of mint. Mint Leaves have a variety of wonderful health benefits and uses. Read More. The health benefits include the following: Mint is a great appetizer or a palate cleanser. The aroma of the herb helps activate the salivary glands in your mouth as well as the glands which secrete the digestive enzymes, thereby facilitating digestion. In addition to freshening breath, mint is also used to add flavor to foods and drinks. (Source), Wild mint has also been studied at length for its cancer-fighting activity. Perhaps one of the most well-known mint and peppermint tea benefits is the help it provides in alleviating digestive complaints. This is especially true in cases of indigestion, flatulence and stomach pain or colic. When you hear the word "mint" you probably think of clean, fresh breath, but the leaf has a lot more to offer than that (although fresh breath is a plus). Mint can be easily identified by its scent, which we should all recognize either from our toothpaste or mint gum! Wild mint oil is widely used across the world due to its ample benefits. With time, research could confirm that mint is useful in treating a wider variety of illnesses. Wild mint is extensively used for its digestive benefits, mainly for diarrheal disorders. Wild mint is a 15- to 50-centimetre-tall perennial plant that grows from a mass of creeping root-stems called rhizomes, which are usually dispersed on or just below the soil surface. Medicinally, Peppermint is a carminative, anti-spasmodic, anti-emetic and topical analgesic. For this reason, people who are allergic to mint should avoid it completely. Animal and in vitro studies suggest that mint leaves could have wider medicinal applications than those currently known. In one study, Mentha longifolia essential oil was found to inhibit diarrhea in rats by preventing intestinal hyperactivity and hypersecretion associated with the condition. © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. Apply when you want to unwind or right before bedtime. Facts. ; It is also important for the treatment of the respiratory tract because it contains certain components that are powerful expectorants. THE TRUTH ABOUT WILD MINT There is a downside however. It is very aggressive and should be planted where this attribute is a benefit. Corn mint (Mentha arvensis), also known as wild mint or field mint, can be found growing in backyard gardens and along streams, shorelines, ditches, riverbanks, fields and meadows.Corn mint's leaves may be dried or used fresh in herbal teas or culinary dishes. Learn more about Wild Mint uses, benefits, side effects, interactions, safety concerns, and effectiveness. Mint is a leafy plant that's perhaps best known for its association with fresh breath due to the cool sensation it creates in the mouth. Wild Mint Cafe benefits and perks, including insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and vacation policy. Milk Thistle and Fatty Liver Disease. Essential oils are loaded with anti-oxidants which helps to promote immune system in the body. With such multifaceted pharmacological applications, this mint varietal offers a refreshing array of health benefits alongside its sweet taste. In addition to ingesting mint, there are claims that inhaling the aroma … Mint is a leafy plant that's perhaps best known for its association with fresh breath due to the cool sensation it creates in the mouth. Like other members of the genus, it should not used by pregnant women because large doses can cause an abortion. Its refreshing aroma can awaken the senses, sharpen focus, and spark optimism. There are many varieties of the mint plant, and most fall under the genus Mentha. Description: This wildflower has a wonderful smell, edible and/or medicinal properties and delicate pretty blooms on upright stems. Read More…, Turmeric Shows Promise Against Tuberculosis, Study: Oral Antifungal Medication May Increase Risk of Miscarriage. Mint has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments for many years. Placed in a muslin bag it can be used as bath additive, and is said to be very soothing to irritated skin. It's strong and refreshing smell could help beat stress and rejuvenate mind. Wild mint has been found to have potent antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidative effects, and even anti-cancer activity. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Becoming a Vegetarian: Foods to Choose From. In... 3. Our organically crafted corn mint essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of plants (also called wild mint) in the forests of Nepal and India. Mountain Mint is a very aromatic herb is used in potpourri or burned as incense. Peppermint and spearmint are likely the most commonly used mint varieties, but many others exist, such as wild mint and water mint. Muscle ache. In people who are allergic to mint, an interaction with the herb can trigger asthma symptoms. Iron: 7% Calcium: 2% Taking peppermint oil reduces abdominal pain and helps treat irritable bowel syndrome without producing side effects. Mint leaves are useful for more than fresh breath. Mint leaves are a great source of Vitamin C, A and E as well as beta carotene. Mint may have a positive effect on allergies, the common cold, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and breastfeeding. Several researchers have discovered wild mint to have high antioxidant activity that leads to other... 2. Add variety to your food and beverages by incorporating mint into these recipes: Phytotherapy Research: "A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of peppermint tea (Mentha piperita L.)", Antioxidants: "Potential Role of Phenolic Extracts of Mentha in Managing Oxidative Stress and Alzheimer’s Disease, International Journal of Neuroscience: "Modulation of Cognitive Performance and Mood by Aromas of Peppermint and Ylang-Ylang", American Family Physician: "Peppermint Oil", Digestive Diseases and Sciences: "The Effect of Enteric-Coated, Delayed-Release Peppermint Oil on Irritable Bowel Syndrome", Foods: "Activity of Mentha piperita L. Ethanol Extract against Acetic Acid Bacteria Asaia spp. When it comes to medicinal uses, mint is perhaps most popularly known as a remedy for digestive problems. Wild Mint. Toothpaste, mouthwash, breath mints, and chewing gum are all commonly flavored with mint. Mint has been long known as an herbal remedy, easing queasy stomachs, calming stress and anxiety, and promoting restful sleep. People take wild mint tea for diarrhea and menstrual cramps. (Source), Calories: 5 The best guides clearly explain identification, collection, and preparation techniques. Allergies to mint are uncommon. Native to Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa and Australia, wild mint (Mentha longifolia) has long been used as a folk remedy for a broad range of ailments, including gastrointestinal problems and sore throats. Corn mint oil has a cooling touch in blends for muscles, joints, and the belly. Filtering through the myths, the pie-in-the-sky miracle cures, the hazardous advice, and getting to the bottom of the issues. These types of studies have found that mint is able to kill bacteria, reduce stress, and fight cancerous tumor cells. Monarda mints include horsemint, catmint, and stonemint. Mojito cocktails, and lamb dishes is especially true in cases of indigestion or inflammation evidence-based info on healthy living... Been studied at length for its digestive benefits, mainly for diarrheal.. Those currently known it also soothes the stomach in case of indigestion or.! Anti-Emetic and topical analgesic, called Lamiaceae when you want to unwind or right before bedtime topical analgesic should it... Used mint varieties, but many others exist, such as the user 's age health. Stomach pain or colic ’ s in cooking or juice oil is widely used the... A remedy for digestive complaints they can become invasive and take over garden! 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