They hung cauldrons of oil from the masts and then two galley ships towed the fireship to the end of the causeway and ran her aground. The prophet Joel accused the people of Tyre and Sidon of selling the people of Judah into slavery to the Greeks: “And the people of Judah and Jerusalem you have sold to the Greeks, In order to remove them far from their territory” (Joel 3:6). The city is mentioned a number of times throughout the Bible and both Jesus and St. Paul are reported to have made visits there. The Tyrians continued to refuse Alexander. The gateway of the peoples has been broken! Further envoys from Alexander were murdered. The city would eventually be rebuilt, although never again would it enjoy its former political importance. Tyre, Byblos, and Sidon: The History of the Three Most Important Ancient... Sidon: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Phoenician City, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. ( Log Out / His image , continued to be presented on Tyrian coinage. Now only Tyre, the grandest and richest city of the Phoenicians remained outside Alexander’s control. It is a strange fact that during the lifetime of Jesus, the Tyrian Shekel (also called a Tetradrachma), was the only acceptable coin that could be used to pay the temple tax in Jerusalem. The particular Baal deity worshipped in Tyre was named Melkart (or Melqart). Sidon was conquered by a number of different nations (along with the rest of Phoenicia) including the Syrians, the Persians and, finally, Alexander the Great in 332 BCE. They later established colonies in North Africa and as far west as Spain. Only now did the men of Tyre begin to awake to the danger. The popularity of Phoenician trade is attested to by artifacts manufactured at Sidon which have been found ranging from Egypt, throughout Mesopotamia, to Rome and Britain. Nebuchadnezzar did not take the island city by force. Many ancient historians thought he had been poisoned although many (but not all) modern historians believe he died of natural causes such as malaria or typhoid fever. 16 Apr 2021. (1 Kings 5). World History Encyclopedia. Amazing article! Tyre to the south and Lebanese capital Beirut to the north are both about 40 kilometres (25 miles) away. First, Murex shellfish from the Mediterranean Sea were captured in traps in large numbers. The towers were destroyed and work on the causeway came to a halt. The worship of Melkart did not disappear quickly. I didn’t expect the read to be this interesting & informative. She will become a drying yard for dragnets in the midst of the sea.’ (Ezekiel 26: 2-5). Following Alexander's death, Sidon and the rest of Phoenicia fell under the rule of one of his generals and successors, Seleucus I Nicator (r. 305-281 BCE), founder of the Seleucid Dynasty. This brought Sidon into competition with the other states of Phoenicia for trade and, especially, with the city of Tyre. First his army marched south, towards Egypt. When the empire divided, Sidon became part of the eastern half which eventually became the Byzantine Empire. In any case, they proposed that rather than making his sacrifice in the temple of the island city of Tyre, Alexander make his sacrifices in a temple in “Old Tyre”, the city on the mainland that Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed. Tyre’s southern harbour gradually filled with silt and has long since disappeared but the northern, “Sidonian” harbour is still used and is filled with fishing boats and pleasure craft. Sidon is considered the 'seat' of the Phoenician Civilization in that most of the ships which would ply the seas and spread Phoenician culture were launched from this city's port. Tyre suffered much more during the Syrian war and the Lebanese civil war. During the ministry of Jesus, crowds of people from Tyre and Sidon would travel to hear Jesus speak. World History Encyclopedia. Yet the prophecy concerning Tyre at this point could only be said to be partly fulfilled. This dye is what gave the Phoenicians their name from the Greeks, Phoinkes, meaning `the purple people' and although it would come to be commonly associated with the city of Tyre, its manufacture was originally at Sidon. Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. Tyre is located about 20 kilometers (14 miles) north of the current Israeli-Lebanese border, and Sidon is located about 20 miles (32 kilometers) north of Tyre. It seems likely that the city negotiated a surrender after 13 years of siege. There would be “many nations” against Tyre (Ezekiel 26: 3), Her walls and towers would be torn down (Ezekiel 26: 4), Her soil would be scraped away and she would become a shining bare rock (Ezekiel 26: 4), Fishermen would use the area for drying nets (Ezekiel 26: 5), Settlements in the countryside would be slaughtered (Ezekiel 26: 6), King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon would come against Tyre (Ezekiel 26: 7), He would lay siege and tear down Tyre’s walls and houses (Ezekiel 26: 12), Tyre’s stones, woodwork and soil would be thrown in the water (Ezekiel 26: 12). He realised he would need a navy. Every head became bald, and every shoulder was rubbed bare. Some of Alexander’s ships were mounted with battering rams and they tested the city walls in a number of locations. The neighbouring settlements were razed to the ground and their inhabitants cruelly slaughtered. Finally, a cuneiform tablet at the British Museum shows that Nebuchadnezzar did indeed successfully engage the Egyptian forces. For example, as many as 12,000 shellfish were used to produce the dye for a single garment. Along with the city of Tyre, Sidon was the most powerful city-state of ancient Phoenicia and first manufactured the purple dye which made Tyre famous and was so rare and expensive that the color purple became synonymous with royalty. As the causeway was being completed, his new navy tested the city’s defences at various points and attacked the entrances to the harbours. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. May ships were sunk at the mouths of the harbour but the defenders were able to keep Alexander’s ships at bay. Further, if he let Tyre alone, the Persians could safely harbor their fleet there and Alexander would continue to have an enemy at his back as he ventured east. One might think of the mainland portion of the city as being the “suburbs” while the island was the home of the wealthy and those of noble birth. Another theory is that the people of Tyre may have hoped for help from their greatest colony, Carthage. Tyrian soldiers in boats landed on the causeway to kill or drive back those of Alexander’s soldiers and workers that would try to douse the flames. Alexander countered with a request of his own that made the Tyrians immediately suspicious. From a tall siege tower, Alexander personally led some of his elite soldiers onto the walls of Tyre and they forced their way into the city. Thank you! True to his word, he would turn the island of Tyre into mainland. The Phoenician cities were organised as city-states and there does not seem to have been a centralised Phoenician government. The Phoenicians have been referred to as the `middlemen' of culture due to the cultural transference which accompanied their trade. Evidently, the mainland portion of the city fell to the Babylonians along with associated settlements in the surrounding area. Nebuchadnezzar had taken the mainland city, but the island city had not been destroyed let alone “thrown in the water”. That the siege would be long, Ezekiel adds: “Son of man, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon made his army labor greatly against Tyre. Just as the Pharisees and Sadducees became children of hell by rejecting Jesus as their only Savior, so do millions today. Too often articles on Bible archeology are written by Bible critics determined to “disprove” or “debunk”. Finding themselves outnumbered, Tyrian ships could be contained in Tyre’s two harbours where the best they could now do was guard against entrance into the city. Thanks for your kind words Brian. Other cuneiform tablets show that at some point Tyre was in the hands of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. She will become a drying yard for dragnets in the midst of the sea.’. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. At the top of this list is an unnamed king of Tyre. Having two excellent sheltered harbours gave the city great advantages and enabled Tyre to become a major destination for merchant ships hoping to trade and practice commerce with the people of the eastern Mediterranean. The setback was short-lived. However, under the Romans the city would become an important commercial centre. The blockade was complete, the Tyrians were now cooped up inside their city, unable to harass Alexander’s men or resupply the city from the sea. Where Did The Treasure Of King Solomon Go? The north harbour (also called the “Sidonian Harbour”) which is still in operation today was one of the best natural harbours on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea. "Sidon." Thank you George, I will take your suggestion. Thank you. Created on StepMap. Remember, Ezekiel had said that Tyre would be plundered by “many nations”. The island city of Tyre was blessed with not one but two separate harbours which faced opposite sides of the island. Where are Tyre and Sidon located? Wow! The first part of the city was on the mainland and the second part was on an island just under a kilometre from the shoreline. Tyre became very wealthy and the island portion of the city over time became heavily fortified. The cedars of Lebanon were a gift from God and a source of wealth for Lebanon, the cities of Tyre and Sidon especially benefitting from their export (1 Chronicles 17:1, 6; 22:4). If you don’t mind me asking, are you using the New World Translation??? Tyre forged trade agreements with the newly minted kingdom of Israel-Judah and her king David. Some of these troops quietly provided their kinsmen protection and secreted them onto their ships where they were smuggled away from danger. They developed a feeling of jealousy and rivalry toward Jerusalem and exulted over the misfortunes she faced and hoped to exploit them for commercial opportunity. Shortly after succeeding his father, Alexander turned his eyes eastward toward the ancient rivals of Greece and determined to conquer Persia. Today Tyre is the fourth largest city in Lebanon after Beirut, Tripoli, and Sidon. The city flourished as part of a loose confederacy of city-states spread along the coast of the land of Canaan. Arrows and other projectiles hurled down on the Alexander’s workers killing and wounding and making further progress all but impossible. This prompted the Tyrians to devise a very clever counter-attack. The art of the ancient Phoenicians, which flourished between the... Phoenician Encyclopedia: A Bequest Unearthed, Phoenicia and the Phoenicians, Punic, Canaanites -- Encyclopedia Phoeniciana, Traditional founding date for the Phoenician colony of, Carmen Astrologicum: The 'Umar al-Tabari Translation. The king of the Persians, Darius III had eluded capture and fled to the eastern part of his empire, free to fight another day. So skillful were the glassmakers of Sidon that the invention of glass has been attributed to them. Cite This Work For these reasons the prophet Ezekiel was inspired to prophecy against her: “Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, ‘Aha! I found it searching after reading Ezekiel in the Bible to check out the prophecy. Although ancient accounts of their height may exaggerated, there is no doubt that the walls of the island fortress were unusually high and formidable. A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. View biblereadingarcheology’s profile on Instagram. These were no longer Phoenician people, whose culture, religion and language has been lost to history. Over the following centuries, Byblos and other Phoenician states such as Sidon, Tyre, Arvad, and Beirut created an important niche for themselves by transporting luxury goods and bulk raw materials from overseas markets back to the Near East. Aerial photo of Tyre, circa 1934. Highlights the biblical significance of the site while briefly describing geographical and physical properties of the site and surrounding area. Perhaps they suspected (correctly) that having invited Alexander and his forces in the front door the Greeks might never leave. In this way they hoped to starve the city into submission. ( Log Out / Related Content ( 1 Kings 17:9 1 Kings 17:10) It was near to, or dependent on, Zidon.It is represented by the modern village of Sura-fend.Of the old town considerable indications remain. The fulfilment of this part of the prophecy would wait over 250 years for the ascent of Alexander the Great. Colossae (The Catholic Encyclopedia). "Then Jesus ... went north to the region of Tyre and Sidon. Their quality would be recognized in ancient literature from the Bible to Homer's Odyssey. Yet lacking a significant navy, Babylon was incapable of taking the fortified island city. Sidon's efforts to placate Alexander were not mirrored by Tyre, however, which resisted the conqueror that same year and was finally sacked; its inhabitants were slaughtered and the survivors sold into slavery. The Tyrian Baal worship of Melkart seems to have been introduced into the 10 tribe kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Ahab. The gateway of the peoples has been broken! ( Log Out / As compensation for his labor against her, I will give him the land of Egypt because they acted for me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.” (Ezekiel 29: 18-20). This was the case with Tyre. According to the first century Jewish historian Josephus, Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Tyre for an incredible 13 years: “I will now add the records of the Phoenicians; for it will not be superfluous to give the reader demonstrations more than enough on this occasion. Tyre is well-known to Bible students particularly (although not exclusively) from the prophecy of Ezekiel who was inspired to foresee details of Tyre’s downfall that would have seemed wildly improbable to his contemporaries yet in the course of time proved accurate to the smallest detail. For this, Hiram was well paid. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. The Princess Jezebel, who later would become Queen of Israel (as related in the biblical Books of I and II Kings) was the daughter of the King of Sidon, Ethbaal in the 9th century BCE, and married King Ahab of Israel to cement ties between the two kingdoms. * 21 i Then Jesus went from that place and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. These wooden towers were covered in rawhide to protect the frame from burning arrows. This is an incredible article. Demolishing the ruins of mainland Tyre (“Old Tyre”), Alexander had the stones thrown into the sea at the point where the distance between the mainland and the island of Tyre was the shortest. But he and his army received no wages for the labor he expended on Tyre. Alexander had empires to conquer and the island of Tyre was in his way. He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. If you’re looking for the real East-meets-West so talked about in the Middle East, you need look no further than Beirut. The men of Tyre would approach the workers in boats so that they would be close enough to be heard but far enough away to avoid danger. When King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem, King Hiram of Tyre famously supplied cedar from the forests of Lebanon as well as other materials and even skilled workmen. First, thank you for the thorough article, just what I was seeking! Further, the king of Cyprus wished to be allied to Alexander and sent 120 of his fighting ships. The dye was obtained from the hypobranchial glands of two species of mollusc that proliferated in the region. Today, visitors who look for ruins from Phoenician Tyre will be disappointed for nothing at all remains from that time period. A broken cuneiform tablet first published in 1926 by German archeologist Eckhard Unger refers to provisions of food for “the king and his soldiers for their march against Tyre“. A Phoenician colony in North Africa called Carthage later became a major city and a fierce competitor with the republic of Rome. Sadly, war continues to visit the region. Many of the Phoenician’s who escaped the fall of Tyre eventually made their way to Carthage in North Africa. Tyrian soldiers quickly set the vessel aflame and the inferno spread to Alexander’s siege towers and other siege equipment. They may have also thought that if Alexander could be forced into undertaking a difficult and protracted siege, that Darius III of Persia would have time to prepare and come to their rescue. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Great article. Stripped of its impressive defences and denuded of its citizens, proud Tyre, no longer even an island was for a time, only fit for fishermen to dry their nets on the bare rock. The later theory is supported by an ancient list of foreign kings residing in Babylon who like Judean King Jehoiachin were prisoners dependent on the Babylonian monarch for their lives. The Canaanite Woman’s Faith. Votive Stele from SidonOsama Shukir Muhammed Amin (CC BY-NC-SA). Did you imagine when you enlisted that you would be carrying baskets of rock and dirt on your backs? Occurrence definition is - something that occurs. License. My daughter is tormented by a demon.” 23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. A peninsula juts out from the mainland in the place where a proud island city once refused an invader, providing silent testimony as to the fate of all those who defied Alexander the Great. So Nebuchadnezzar choose to lay siege to the island, cutting it off from provisions from the mainland and to the extent they could, cutting it off from resupply by sea. On his coins he is depicted as a youthful and powerful Heracles. Wow, great article! The popularity of Phoenician trade is attested to by artifacts manufactured at Sidon which have been found ranging from Egypt to. Both are on the Mediterranean coast in what was Phoenicia in the first century AD and what is Lebanon today, just north of Israel. Puts so many prophecies in the proper context. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2021) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Installations for the production of the dye have been found by archaeologists in a number of Phoenician towns. Work resumed on the causeway. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. Ethbaal’s daughter of course, was the infamous Jezebel, an aggressive promoter of the worship of Melkart and a vicious opponent to the worship of the God of Israel. He was never defeated in battle and may have continued his conquests had he not suddenly died in Babylon under circumstances that are controversial still. Siege of Tyre. On statues and images created of Alexander he is depicted wearing or carrying items associated with Heracles. Learn More. Jesus visit to the region evidently bore fruit, because just over 20 years later toward the conclusion of the Apostle Paul’s third missionary trip, he sought out and stayed with the Christian community in Tyre for seven days. Absolutely! In the 10th century BCE, the balance of power shifted to Tyre primarily due to the leadership of that city's kings, Abibaal and, after him, his son Hiram. There were approximately 200,000 inhabitants in the Tyre urban area in 2016, including many refugees , as the city hosts three of the twelve Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon: Burj El Shimali , El Buss , and Rashidieh . Notably, the Lebanese Civil War which raged from the mid-1970’s until 1990 brought much suffering to the region. Then David said, “The house of the LORD God is to be here, and also the altar of burnt offering for Israel.” Preparations for the Temple - So David gave orders to assemble the foreigners residing in Israel, and from among them he appointed stonecutters to prepare dressed stone for building the house of God. All who remain in their sins are deserving of hell because God demands justice, and wickedness must be paid for (Romans 6:23). Mark, J. J. Thank you! Most recently, armed forces in the city belonging to the Shia Muslim “Hezbollah” militia were bombed by Israel during the 2006 Lebanon War. Stumbled upon your website and used the photo of Tyre in my concluding comments of the CLM to show the accuracy of Bible prophecy. Catapults and archers at the top of the siege towers were able to return fire at the soldiers on the walls of Tyre. In 1697, an English academic and clergyman named Henry Maundrell passed through Tyre on his way to Jerusalem. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 20 Then Jesus began to denounce the towns where he had done so many of his miracles, because they hadn’t repented of their sins and turned to God. Taking an old transport ship, they filled it to the gunwales with highly combustible materials. On one occasion, Jesus personally visited the region around Tyre, on which occasion he cured the demon-possessed child of a Phoenician woman who was suffering greatly. “Son of man, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon made his army labor greatly against Tyre. "Sidon." But Jesus gave her no reply, not even a word. They greeted Alexander most courteously and while not formally submitting to him, requested a formal alliance. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. (Ezekiel 26: 3). Last modified September 02, 2009. Either King Ithobal of Tyre died during the siege or he was surrendered to the Babylonians to be replaced by his son Baal who would become a Babylonian puppet-ruler. (30). Ancient Tyre consisted of two parts. He reported in Tyre only “a few poor wretches, harboring themselves in vaults and subsisting chiefly on fishing.” This immediately brings to mind Ezekiel’s statement that Tyre, “…will become a drying yard for dragnets in the midst of the sea.” (Ezekiel 26:5). With Tyre destroyed, Carthage became the most important Phoenician city and would for a time under her famous general Hannibal, even rival Rome for dominance of the Mediterranean. Sidon and Tyre Today. 30,000 of the citizens of Tyre were subsequently sold into slavery while 2,000 soldiers who had survived the downfall were forced onto the beaches of Tyre and hung or nailed by the hands onto trees, posts and rudimentary frames until they were dead. This was the most precious dye of its time, in large part because of the great amount of labour required to produce even small amounts. Like many ancient kings, Alexander claimed descent from the gods. Everything will come my way, and I will become rich now that she is devastated’; therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘Here I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring up many nations against you, just as the sea brings up its waves. Rather the new city is peopled by descendants of the Arabs who first settled in the land after the death of Muhammad. I’ve long been interested in Alexander the Great and learned so much from this. I read a few other posts this evening, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the hard work and extensive research you’ve put into these well written articles. As the causeway progressed, it came within range of the archers on the walls of Tyre. Prophecy would wait over 250 years for the labor he expended on Tyre physical properties of Phoenician... 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