Ira (Seth Rogen) is an aspiring stand-up who meets George at a comedy club and becomes his assistant and friend. Pinterest. Former Saturday Night Live head writer Chris Kelly penned this semi-autobiographical comedy-drama. This movie is based on the true story of Iowa housewife Lucille Fray, who got breast cancer after the birth of her 10th child. Ratings: IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes. This movie makes you laugh and makes you cry, I had seen some really really bad comedies that makes you cry! This film gives you mixed emotions all the way through. Until one day it all falls apart – she's told she's got cancer of the colon (there are a few unnecessary medical scenes involving a colonoscopy. If you’ve ever used the term “bucket list,” you have The Bucket List to thank. Watching Aurora demand that the nurses give her daughter a shot for her pain will break your heart. A terrific script - which still holds up 20 years after it was first made. Diagnosed at 23 with stage 4 (metatastic) ovarian cancer, which has already spread to her liver and stomach, but Ann (Polley) is still full of energy, pretty, sexy and able to work a full-time night job. I know there's a lot of people out there that are going through the same, I hope and pray for healing for all. and those who have needle phobia – take a scarf to hide behind) and that it's not curable. So anything goes in Hollywood movies to make them pretty and saleable! External Reviews Her younger sister was conceived through in vitro fertilization to serve as a savior sibling who can provide organs or cells. You might watch movies in order to escape from reality — or you might watch them in order to see other people going through the same experiences you are. Losing so much blood (which is unavoidable in colon cancer sorry Hollywood) will make her anemic and very sickly...not so much color and energized eyes ... And why are we rooting for her? Ultimately, Emma shows her mother the ultimate forgiveness in asking her to raise Emma’s three children. She changes her hair and has a fling with another man, but also records birthday messages for her daughters every year until they turn 18 and sets her husband up with another woman. So, in the meantime, just remember that cancer does not always mean death. She doesn’t tell anyone she’s dying and decides to set her family up for success and indulge in a few things … Isabel starts dating her ex Luke (played by Ed Harris). This one has a strange premise. It’s a powerful meditation on regret. Elsewhere, Emilie and Ryan Matthias eschew traditional funeral customs for their son Garrett, who died from cancer. This comedy-drama was written by Will Reiser about his own experience surviving spinal cancer at age 25. The main character (who I've forgotten the name of - it's that rubbish) is a successful business woman who has pains in her stomach, goes in for tests and gets told it's cancer. This is such an inaccurate portrayal! Eschewing the easy melodrama, Marley takes death in her stride, going about her remaining days determined to make the best out of them instead of lamenting about her circumstance. In The Doctor, William Hurt plays Jack McKee, a successful but career-obsessed surgeon with a chilly bedside manner and a cavalier attitude toward his patients’ feelings. You will LOVE it. Though most movies that don’t want to die a slow, painful death at the box office these days steer away from the cancer plot (excepting anything written by Nicholas Sparks), there have been a few who dared to not only make an enjoyable cancer movie, but to do it with some humor. They fall in love (despite the clichéd Kate Hudson character being too stubborn to take his help...just so badly acted again, it's painful). This documentary picks up where that set left off, giving viewers a front-row seat into Notaro’s battle with breast cancer as well as her journey to become pregnant. but this one really touches your feelings. Her heartfelt and convincing portrayal of Marley Corbett a young 30- something with a successful career, great mates and who seems to have it all figured out certainly has substance. Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts are at their very best in this prickly family drama, Stepmom. Sarah Polley stars in this Canadian indie drama, My Life Without Me, as a young mother who learns she has metastatic ovarian cancer and only has a few months to live. Bridesmaids 7.3 and "A Little Bit of Heaven" 5.9, I just don't understand how. There were parts I liked, but they seemed to come from several different movies, and didn't fit into this one. , Aurora (Shirley MacLaine) and Emma (Debra Winger) play a bickering mother-daughter duo who have ups and downs over the years. Facebook. The lead character goes through chemo like it's a minor cold, has a full head of hair throughout the whole film, and is incredibly active despite that fact that she is supposed to be dying of colon cancer. Well that's it! This moving documentary delves into all kinds of new memorials, burials, and more. Kate Hudson and Gael Garcia Bernal are not so bad but the thing is even though Hudson's character is dying, you wait for her to start making a list like how to loose a guy when you're dying because how is her acting here any different than that movie? Jackie doesn’t take it well when Isabel starts playing a … Joseph Gordon-Levitt nailed the main role of a young man having to fight for his life before he had even really learned how to live. The top 5 tear-jerking movies with breast cancer plots often involve a dysfunctional family and lots of sadness. My Life Without Me Sarah Polley stars in this Canadian indie drama, My Life Without Me, as a young mother who learns she has metastatic ovarian cancer and only has a few months to live. The grown children, … With the amazing actors, Kate Hudson and Gael García Bernal ,who play the main characters, they do an amazing job at portraying how live is like with a terminal illness. Acting is bad. This movie makes the interesting point that in real life, very few people can make and sustain a whole personality change even if they do survive cancer. Cake's blog posts contain affiliate links and we earn commission from purchases made through these links. And this is perfectly reasonable because humor rhymes with tumor. You will waste a couple of hours of your life in which you could be watching paint dry. This screenplay, in fact, is about two men, portrayed by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, living with lung cancer trying to complete their bucket lists before it’s too late. but you don't expect Oscar performance in a light comedy, right! Instagram. Sarah Polley stars in this Canadian indie drama. Metacritic Reviews. I wanted to watch a nice comedy movie so I picked this from my watch list. Awards Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts are at their very best in this prickly family drama. Marley admits she can be a bit of a slut, she's aware that she lives more like a 20-something and she doesn't care. Kate's film is more honest and as we watch her friends and family rally round her (even ordering her a mini-hooker in the form of Peter Dinklage to lift her spirits)) and help as you would expect in normal life you actually care about her awful situation. speechless. In Brian's Song, James Caan portrayed Chicago Bears football player Brian Piccolo who was struck with terminal cancer in 1965. So, without further ado, here is the list of top movies about cancer. Now,if u take Kate Hudson out of this movie...only crap is left Very below average performance by her doctor and friend's characters The direction becomes horrible in the climax as thr movie becomes very slow in the later half. | About Time. This movie shows a cancer patient with a feisty upbeat attitude enjoying life to the full till her death. The rest of the film is Marley rapidly changing and getting more ill, now it's not as depressing as 'My Sister's Keeper' but it's not far off. Instead, too much comedy at the start alienates us from the gravity of Marley's situation, and too much melodrama at the end just rings hollow. SANTA MONICA, Calif. — In 2013, the director Lulu Wang was told that her grandmother had Stage 4 lung cancer and had three months to live. Buy or Rent This Movie On Amazon. Fantasy! But the naturalistic performance by Mandy Moore in one of her earliest acting roles lends a sweetness and groundedness that makes this movie hold up over time. Her mother died, she was hospitalized with a life-threatening C. difficile infection, her relationship ended, and then she was diagnosed with breast cancer. P.S I Love You (2007) Let’s end this list with one of the greatest love stories of all time, namely ‘P.S I … But how about some correct jargons and dialogue like a medical instead of "your cancer is all over your colon" ... and how about, can a patient on chemo go to a public place like a night club full of smoke? I recommend this to all of you reading this currently and I have rated this 10 out of 10. Anonymous . Year: 2005, Runtime: 123 min. The film is watchable and has some fun scenes but it misses the mark in so many ways. Especially when you’re just finding out for the first time, it’s too soon to tell what’s going to happen. A few years back, the Marley as played by Hudson would probably meet a guy, fall in love, and discover the beauty of commitment- but no, here she meets a handsome doctor Julian (Gael Garcia Bernal) while finding out that she has colon cancer. But somehow, it was hanging in the middle, it's not comedy, not funny and not dramatic nor touching. It really does touch your heart. Realizing that the state would take the children away from her ineffectual, alcoholic husband, she devoted the last year of her life traveling around the state to find new homes for each of the children. I complained the other day that Kate Hudson never seems to do anything with substance these days I take it all back now. After seeing two of this weeks other not-so-happy releases 'Rabbit Hole' and 'Brighton Rock' back-to-back I was looking forward to a bit-of-fluff rom-com but bloody hell that is not what I got. A tad sick? A young person dying before her time? was written by Will Reiser about his own experience surviving spinal cancer at age 25. Her doctor is the guy who has to force her to take control of what is left of her life and come to terms with what is happening to her. She even has ALL her hair even after her … It's got romance, comedy and tears. The element of romance is absent in the story,this is one of the biggest reason i am disappointed with the movie. People who rate this movie high is terribly confused or lacks a credible view of reality, because the movie has quite a sad end (that actors make laughable for not saying pathetic) it's NOT a reason for giving higher rates. oh wait she is accompanied by her doctor who just a while ago asked her for a "drink"... a drink? If you're looking for more, read our picks for the. Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg knew Reiser, encouraged his endeavor, and signed on as producers. … Not the usual boy meets girl story but it works – sorta and so a romance blossoms despite the fact that she's a dying woman. Certainly it’s not the same for all children with serious illness. This message is o.k. .. when she tries to do heavy dramatic moments she ends up looking very unnatural and unreal. The Beauty you are LUCKY to have in your life, Hudson is great to watch as ever, but even her radiant presence can't save this movie that wavers between comedy and tragedy and can't quite find the balance either way, Cute and quirky but never quite moves you. A terrible secret? If you want to waste a bit of time for something that is totally ridiculous, then go ahead and watch this movie! Jackie (Sarandon) detests Isabel (Roberts), the young hip girlfriend of Sarandon’s ex-husband. It also has moments of humor, like when it pokes fun of the tragic romance of films like. Twice a cancer survivor, actress Kathy Bates has beat both breast and ovarian cancers over the course of 14 years. Colon cancer that is beyond treatment ravages the body as well as any treatment efforts. The “American Horror Story” actress, well known for her roles in “Misery” and “Titanic,” also has lymphedema, which is a blockage in the lymphatic system that often occurs because of lymph node removal during breast cancer surgery. You know they’re going to die: I recently finished Stuart Scott’s memoir, Every Day I Fight. "A Little Bit of Heaven" is about tying up loose ends, little by little, and realizing, finally, that life is a gift and to be celebrated in the short time we're all here. Kate Hudson's acting goes beyond to what we have seen before, I think she is doing it better and better with the pass of the time. Check. Just to let you know what I think.. There was no chemistry. Unfortunately, the only relation the title has to Dinklage is the nickname he was given within his profession (I won't give away what that profession is, however, for sake of not ruining the best part of the film). Not so much the film itself, but the title. There is a side plot that involves the young couple traveling to visit Hazel’s favorite writer in Amsterdam, and dealing with the reality of meeting one's heroes. You’ll laugh through your tears. This TV movie has become a cultural touchstone. She doesn’t tell anyone she’s dying and decides to set her family up for success and indulge in a few things she never got to experience. , George (Adam Sandler) is a successful stand-up comedian-turned movie star who has just been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. A Little Bit of Heaven. A career woman reassesses her parents' lives after she is forced to care for her cancer … Don't deny yourself the chance to see this movie. 'A Little Bit of Heaven,' which will be the final film released by the the now-bankrupt studio The Film Department, is really a blown opportunity. I would recommend this movie to all, minus the men, who think they are too cool or tough to show a little emotion, as this movie in my opinion will bring tears to anyone... What made this film a winner, is the appearance of Peter Dinklage, who recently picked up an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Game of Thrones, and whose character provided the name of this film, which of course puns on his physical size. A hairdresser, who has lost her hair to cancer, finds out her husband is having an affair, travels to Italy for her daughter's wedding, and meets a widower who still blames the world for the loss of his wife. Once rom-com queen Kate Hudson returns to the big screen with not a comedy, but rather a weepie, playing a free-spirited young woman who discovers one day that she has not many more months to live. thank you for watching this video, I need all the support I can get right now. Accept. There’s a powerful message about appreciating people before they’re gone. Casting was mismatched. Peter Dinklage's gigolo and Whoopi Goldberg's turn as "God" belong in a flighty movie, not in a film that's trying to be a serious look at how people cope with cancer. 4. When Greg’s parents make him start spending time with his childhood friend, Rachel, who is dying from leukemia, Greg ends up growing both as an artist and as a person. Kate Hudson acts well but her role as a woman battling with terminal cancer is so unconvincing. I watch a lot of different films, some great and some not so great. N even if u do(as a Kate Hudson fan) Dnt xpect anything for this movie. Enter into the story that the birth mom has terminal cancer and it gets even more touching. Every stinking horrible gray day of it, because the more crap you live thru, the stronger you get and every time you come out smiling you will shine a little brighter, to the very end! She reminded me of the fact that all the light, beauty and humor in life comes from within. Directed by Carl Franklin. , Ellen (Renée Zellweger) is a successful writer who is persuaded by her father George (William Hurt) to care for her cancer-stricken mother Kate (Meryl Streep). is a recent HBO documentary that explores new ways Americans are making end-of-life decisions. Finally i would just say that it was a pathetic attempt at creating emotional depth in audience mind.failure i wud say! Still, a film with a subject matter like this needs to resonate emotionally in order to be worth its weight, and its decidedly carefree attitude works against the film by making it too lightweight for its audience to care. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015): This Sundance hit that failed to impress at the box office was … Playing a social escort who got his services engaged for Kate Hudson's Marley Corbett, his support role was indeed one of the highlights of the film, coming in from the blue and serving up some great lines and moments, making a much welcomed lift for the story. My mom just passed from cancer and me, that movie, my puppy, and a box of tissues just watched that movie and it resonated so well. Gael García Bernal is the only thing that makes this film remotely interesting (although the main character's dog does a better job than him, too). 10. My mom is a complete and total basket case so I have the right to insult them and behave like a 14 year old boy because I am dying. DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM. The film advertises itself heavily using performances by "Academy Award Winners" Kathy Bates and Whoopi Goldbergh, both of whom have just cameos in the film basically. Regardless, it’s possible to learn a lot by watching other characters navigate cancer. In what movie does an older lady whisper "Cancer" when she is talking about someone else? My father hasn't been the best father. Much is made of the distant relationship with her mother and father and it doesn't ring true, especially when they find out she's dying. This movie reminds me of that, life is good, life is short and life really is worth living! If you're looking for more, read our picks for the best sad movies about cancer and the best children's books about cancer. | Well,to start with..i should tell u that i am a big Kate Hudson fan. dreaming once and having three wishes blah blah blah .. not really fantasy but not really realistic.. This movie has a unique and personal story, surprising humor and very touching moments. The problem is, what Green’s kids with cancer choose to say and the movie reveals about them, may not be true. But when Ellen realizes George is putting all the caretaker duties on her and continuing his own successful life as an Ivy League professor, she sees how much her mother’s behind-the-scenes work went into her own success and George’s. When Jackie is diagnosed with terminal lymphoma, the two women have to find a way to make peace for everyone’s sake. I watched my cousin die in four months after a colon cancer diagnosis. In Wit, Emma Thompson plays Vivian, a demanding and intense English literature professor who prides herself on her wit. Check. That's a shame really, for Hudson is luminous as ever, her radiant presence- while sorely missed in recent years- wasted in mediocrity like this. Inspiration isn't the movie's strong suite, so there are really little surprises along the way even as Marley grows progressively weaker. I loved her performance,her acting in the movie. , Emma Thompson plays Vivian, a demanding and intense English literature professor who prides herself on her wit. It is very very dramatic. I saw this movie just now on a whim after a really horrible day in life. I don't know if it's because of the overly happy looking marketing or the lack of overall promotion but the people behind 'A Little Bit of Heaven' have kept it quiet for a reason, granted it's pretty funny but really depressing. This film, based on a Jodi Picoult novel of the same name, My SIster's Keeper features a young girl named Kate who has acute promyelocytic leukemia. You will like this...its cute but then that's all there is. In genre it also says "comedy"... well don't fall for that. In Funny People, George (Adam Sandler) is a successful stand-up comedian-turned movie star who has just been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie … This film, based on a Jodi Picoult novel of the same name. This movie is actually an insult to all those who've battled this disease!! Dick Shannon, a cancer patient, is shown preparing to end his life on his own terms under California’s “death with dignity” law. Okay, I have read the other reviews of this movie, and I must say, I think the women are much more on base than the men. Yes, the subject of cancer is again given the Hollywood-style treatment (no makeup, just a sallow look, and A FULL HEAD OF HAIR! Kate Hudson, comedy.. sounds nice, I expected something cute, I didn't read the plot before watching. 1 decade ago. Twitter. George goes into remission and back into his old jerkish ways and Ira quits as his assistant. A Walk to Remember has all the key components of a Sparks adaptation. Molly Shannon has the performance of her career as Joanne. But all that aside, it was a beautiful movie message-wise, and after only seeing Kate Hudson in her first role many years ago in Cameron Crowe's "Almost Famous" (and not being that impressed by her), she has certainly matured as an actress. The character did not come up in anyway that likable or extraordinary, even with her constant grin. There were two or three scenes that really hit home to me and I could understand exactly what she was feeling at the time. Devki is a loving wife, and a mother of two beautiful daughters, she seemingly has a perfect happy family. .. it's like collecting any problem that can come in someone's life and adding it randomly. Not only does he have to endure watching his mother choose to stop treatment, but he must also deal with his conservative, religious family rejecting him because of his sexual orientation. In this indie darling, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, high-school senior Greg likes making silly films with his friend Earl. I saw this week "Something Borrowed", "Bridesmaids" and "A Little Bit of Heaven", and the rate seems so opposite to what I think. We kid you not- somehow the filmmakers decided that they needed a touch of the Divine and Morgan Freeman was probably not available. In October 2020, Disney+ released the movie “Clouds,” an inspiring film about teenage songwriter Zach Sobiech who rose to fame before passing away from osteosarcoma, a deadly bone cancer, in 2013. Now, it wouldn't be the first time that this would have happened, though the only one that comes to memory is 'Freaks' and I don't think that casts a good light on the subject. Molly Shannon has the performance of her career as Joanne. The romance between Marley and Julian also never convinces- Hudson and Bernal sharing little winning chemistry with each other. In my humble opinion, this one was so much better . Dealing with Cancer with the Help of Movies. Someone forever changed by a brief love affair? It’s a beautiful film about how big an impact a person can make on you, even if they only have a short time on earth. It can be cathartic to watch a movie where a character is fighting his or her own battle with cancer. I will be totally honest but maybe sound a bit harsh(not intended), but this has to be the worst I have cancer movies I have ever seen with the worst acting as well, Kate Hudson plays a good b**** and should stick to that role like the movie she has done Bride Wars.She did not make me feel sorry for her in this movie and this movie did not make me get teary as other " cancer" movies have. Here are some of our top picks for movies about cancer. It also has moments of humor, like when it pokes fun of the tragic romance of films like The Fault in Our Stars. A man finds out he has terminal brain cancer and goes on a mission to find his wife a… Source(s): As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. As her life draws to an end and she only has one visitor who cares about her, she wishes she had prioritized human compassion over wit and learned to be kinder. The family … 1)if you've ever had any experience like this, lost anyone close to you to cancer, you'd definitely know that's its much much harder and you won't be able to even laugh for a long time ! Its a story of an individuals ups and downs of coping with death at a very young age. Suddenly, he’s on the receiving end of impersonal examinations by detached doctors but finds grace and compassion from his fellow patients. Certainly the terminal disease angle in films has been done and then done again. Yes but go with it. This link will open in a new window. But just because someone has cancer, does not mean they are going to die. This link will open in a new window. The person that Kate displays is a fantastical being and exactly the kind of person I strive to be. in the middle of treatment? The film tries to be a romance but also a drama, comedy and it never really finds its foothold in any one genre and that is a problem for it. It's dark and the jokes or the dancing in the end doesn't make it any more bearable. Alternate Endings is a recent HBO documentary that explores new ways Americans are making end-of-life decisions. But when Emma is hospitalized with terminal cancer, Aurora steps up for her. Hollywood has its own interpretation of breast cancer in film. Ellen is disdainful of her mother, who seems overly preoccupied with domestic chores instead of intellectual pursuits. The film is told from the perspective of Gale Sayers, Piccolo’s teammate and close friend, who wrote a memoir about their friendship. Okay, I'm a male and a cancer survivor. I wish it promoted a little bit of awareness and hope for the cancer patients instead of making it look like oh so rosy and then have an ending to make it romeo-julietish! She parties hard, has an active no-strings sex life, and remains gleefully single living alone in an apartment with her dog Walter. It had me laughing me ass off, so much so that I actually woke up my sister in the next room :/ and towards the end, right when Marley gives her Mum the photo of them both, I could not have stopped crying if I tried. 0 0. This TV movie has become a cultural touchstone. Santa with Muscles: 1996: Due to an unusual series of events, a bodybuilder with amnesia thinks that he is Santa Claus. Yes, these films are sad and are going to make you cry, but they are also inspiring. Trailer: Elizabethtown the time a funeral party with that many happy is... Ups and downs of coping with death at a very very long time understand exactly what she was at. And just gave up – take a risk and have the disease Renée Zellweger, William Hurt, Tom Scott... Kind of person I strive to be a tad formulaic good in Spanish,! Seen some really really bad comedies that makes you laugh and makes you cry ( as a busker or ill... Or the Dancing in the story, this one was so much the film is cancer. 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