JH: In Australia, the Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements are for a 1 meter (39.5inches) high guard or alternately a 700mm (27.5 inch) guard with a 1m extension outward. As it is, no one in the balcony can see the front of the stage. Their concerns can be met with details about the very few balcony falls and with details in design. It really takes away from the sound. BC: Where the adjacent row of seats is parallel and against the rail, like on a side gallery, a higher rail could be acceptable. Shakespeare's audience for his outdoor plays was the very rich, the upper middle class, and the lower middle class. omnes (archaic) In stage directions, all the cast. There really isn't a bad seat in the house visually, and even sitting in the last row of the lower level under the balcony is great. Support Local Journalism Seating area for audience. © 2021 American Society of Theatre Consultants, The Winners of the ASTC-USITT Challenge 2021 are…, 2020-2021 ASTC – USITT Renovation Challenge Changes. TH: Most owners who express doubt about this railing are school officials. However, railings higher than 30-inches tend to look like an enclosure for the patrons in the balcony. If the room has a deep apron or thrust configuration, raising the balcony rail will make the sightlines of the room impossible to achieve. It is, however, farthest from the bathroom. As a result, a ticket for the upper boxes cost $10 each while the lower boxes cost $6. The downside is you'll miss the wide-angle vision of the total picture that you'd get by sitting farther back. For theater, in general, rows G, H and J are far enough back to see the big picture without having to use opera glasses to see the actors' expressions. There may be gray areas where arenas are used for ice shows and concerts, but in all likelihood the owners of those venues have already chosen to use a more stringent requirement. outcome what happens after the character achieves his/her Objectives P packed house Full house. And they were terrific seats from which to watch David Bowie's 2005 concert. DR: Why not watch the event at home on your flat screen, that’s glass too? These seats are on the aisle, in the sections left or right of center. It’s not just balconies that are a concern either, because the sightline-constrained condition can apply to the stage and orchestra pit, opera boxes, galleries, or any raised seating area. These are slightly elevated over the floor seating and offer more private and spacious seating, as well as handicapped accessibility for five of them. In a theatre, a box, loge, or opera box is a small, separated seating area in the auditorium or audience for a limited number of people for private viewing of a performance or event. Bill Conner (BC) has decades of experience working on NFPA Assembly Occupancy committees. Similar to the US, the contractors here will build a temporary guard at the balcony edge during construction. JH: In my regulatory environment I try to make the seats adjacent to a box rail fixed to avoid this question. There’s generally an orchestra (the main, lower-most level) and a mezzanine (the second level up). The view is good, and there's support for creaky backs by way of the divider. The executive director was in a position to mandate that cleaning staff will be harnessed which was a far better end result than if we had to raise the railing. In order to understand why Shakespeare wrote his plays the way he did, we have to know something about his audience, i.e. But generally performing arts venues don’t have these issues and shouldn’t be painted with the same brush. It’s simply not practical and certainly expensive to make entire balcony rails raise and lower at will. The rows rise enough that you're likely to be able to see over the heads of anyone seated in front of you. Control room where sound and lights are operated from. While there might be no good seats for listening, the best ones for viewing would be the so-called blue seats on the first level. Others talked of servants and apprentices spending all their spare time there. With a seating capacity of 2,691, this old Hollywood icon has many sections that offer a prime view of the stage. Mezzanine. The seats on the lower part of the theatre. JH: In the case of the contractor they are working in the area with a number of heavy objects, in a variety of situations. JH: Acoustics matter and a sense of intimacy matters. TH: I try to raise the railing to allow the desired line of sight (stage edge, conductor, or whatever has been determined) but still be as tall as possible. The seats in the mezzanine or balcony are on the level above the parterre section and extend over it and part of the orchestra section. ... lower balcony. Balcony Some theatres only have an orchestra and a mezzanine while others have a third level: the balcony. If being close enough to see the actors sweat is your idea of a good time, get seat 107 in any row AA through FF in the center section of the Grand Circle. The section to the right of the stage has the greatest distance from the smoke, and it often has a more calm, secluded feel to it. Rex Theatre: Most people stand for most shows -- but there are several rows of seats to each side, along the wall. TH: This is a complex area of seating. We need balconies to get people closer to the action. Rows G-K are top price seats due to the minimal obstructions, whilst the cheaper seats in the Balcony are in rows L-M, where some obstructions come into play. For dance, sitting close to the stage downstairs makes it easier to follow details of footwork, but the view from upstairs is much better for appreciating the choreographic use of space. In 1607, the Venetian ambassador bought all the most expensive seats for a performance of Shakespeare’s Pericles. If you're watching a big-cast, spectacular musical such as "The Lion King" or "42nd Street," you might be just as happy in row AA, seat 116 of the balcony, which gives you a wide-angle, unrestricted view of all the action and movement. For the audience, knowing that you are in a room with a lot of people enhances the event, and the lower rails and the sight rails – flat bars angled, cables, etc., – all facilitate that. But the best seats are at the sides of the stage, in sections A6 and B6, and A26 and B26. Options for a thicker railing design, where the height and depth equals 42-inches or even close may be a solution to the problem; that thicker guard may effectively prevent a fall. JH: I do not know of any falls from theatre balconies. Likewise, if you know you'll need to make a rush to the restroom at intermission, an aisle seat will help you get there faster and avoid those long lines. Pack: Famous Duos. To save time, the performers are most likely to recruit from the aisle seats in rows close to the stage. ... to perform in a manner that will get the approval of the lower elements in the audience. Especially avoid the far sides near the stage on the main floor. The sightline is good, and you're removed from those packing the front of the stage. The other prime vantage point is the left side of the venue, right around the corner from the entrance. Club Seats for Pacers Games. Moreover, these falls seem to be largely affected by alcohol. Also, there is no air conditioning, which makes concerts during warm weather risky and obviously is more of a problem upstairs. The risk in sports venues is clear and many of those venues have proactively raised the railings. Would such a distinction make sense? TribLIVE's Daily and Weekly email newsletters deliver the news you want and information you need, right to your inbox. If it’s a big problem then we look to the 700mm high, 1m deep railing or some variation thereof. Those with long legs should look for seats on the aisle to give themselves a little more room to stretch out during performances. Beautiful sound is available throughout Carnegie Music Hall, but it is especially well-balanced in the balconies. What is happening in other countries that don’t use IBC or LSC? Do all of these “workers” need OSHA guards? At a Phish concert, it seems the patron may have leaped instead of fallen from the balcony; or at least that’s what eyewitnesses say and the local prosecutor pressed charges for inducing panic – it certainly seems some “substances” may have been involved. There are only a few West End theatres that have balcony seats, the Theatre Royal Haymarket and Harold Pinter Theatre being examples. The sound quality is average and definitely better in the upper parts of the balcony. The theater is small enough that most seats offer terrific vantage points. Oddly enough, they agreed to a 26-inch to 36-inch change in height. We often put in a cable below the seats to tie a harness off to, but it’s hardly ever used and when it is used the staff is often not trained to use the equipment properly or in the procedures to follow when a fall happens and a person is hanging from the railing. David H. Rosenburg (DR) is a Managing Principal with Theatre Projects Consultants. Alcohol sales, perhaps a little bit of fan excitement, along with the enticement of a free t-shirt or foul ball vastly increase the risk for sporting event attendees. The boxes are numbered 105 through 108 and 111 through 115. Many patrons will move the seat close, then rest their forearms on the railing. However, there's little leg room upstairs, and not enough even for short people in seats at the back of the hall downstairs. This is one of the most sensitive halls in Pittsburgh. DR: I believe that it is being challenged by clients. Glare, smudges, and edge conditions all show up and make this a visual barrier. And it’s not just a point at or above the edge of the stage that is important. These are individual chairs, which can be turned to the best sight line or to slide a little closer to your honey. The front, center mezzanine seats have an excellent, unobstructed view of the entire stage, although they are not close to the stage. At this angle, the view is wider, more panoramic, with excellent sightlines. Booth. Good seats are subjective Most Broadway theaters seat the audience in several sections and sell (and price) tickets accordingly. BC: First, sightlines are widely misunderstood. Just like the 42-inches is measured diagonally in section at the foot of aisles. Partial-height panes are problematic due to the visual effect of seeing the stage in a “half-glassed, half-open” view. Jim Hultquist (JH) is a consultant doing most of his work in Australia for Schuler Shook. How can workers be protected and still meet the needs of sightlines, considering there are technicians that need to access lighting in this area, cleaning staff, or even ushers during a show? Easily, the best seats are those on floor level of this semi-circular room. Sometimes owners will become concerned about the sightline-constrained rail because of the perceived risk. Also, the view from seats further back than row 12 might be partially blocked by balcony overhang. DR: I have two specific examples. These seats are the highest up and generally the farthest from the stage. Perhaps the first two rows of every upper deck should be the alcohol free zone, since alcohol does play a role in this. In one case, we had a demountable seating condition in a small courtyard theatre where the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) insisted on having the ability to “raise” the balcony rail when the seats were not in place. This is a finicky element though, as the lid of the guard needs to hinge open to allow access without blocking the technicians view to the stage so they can see their work. Also, theaters such as Heinz Hall and the Benedum locate air vents for heating and cooling beneath some seats. Can a balcony railing be taller and still work for sightlines? Those wishing to exit most efficiently should sit in aisle seats of the left-of-center section, row P or farther back. We got in touch with four ASTC Theatre Consultants to discuss the issue in detail. Also, be aware that you don't want to sit in balcony seat 44 or 46 in rows H through L or seat 45-D or 46-C, which offer restricted views. Front rows provide a good, unobstructed overview for dance numbers, and amplification makes sure you don't miss a word of the lyrics. For concerts, the best seats are upstairs. The oddest thing was that there were pockets of people stuck in the last three rows of the corners (like us) on both sides, and ALL the rows in front were empty. TH: They have observed the dichotomy correctly. People just aren’t falling out of theatre balconies with any regularity, yet there is almost universal concern. Should the balcony rail height requirement be different for workers than for audience members? For the audience, knowing that you are in a room with a lot of people enhances the event, and the lower rails and the sight rails – flat bars angled, cables, etc., – all facilitate that. The frame around the stage is called the proscenium arch . Seats in the center section of the hall in front of the balcony overhang provide the best viewing and hearing. That's a plus for those of us who are short. They were called the groundlings. the people who paid to see his plays. There have been several documented cases of falls in sports venues such as reaching for foul balls, medical emergencies, and the like in recent years, but few or none from the balconies of performing arts venues. The middle of the second tier provides a good rival, though. I try to avoid ending a stair at a rail where ever possible. There was a recent occurrence of this in Brisbane, but that wasn’t our project, thankfully. Most of the seats in this 400-seat hall are fine, but, by far, the best ones are in the center section in the second tier. In those cases, is there sufficient protection for patrons? The acoustics at the Byham Theater are dry, which is good for understanding words but provides no flattering glow for sound. Especially when we are trying to keep the first row of the balcony close to the stage with sightlines … The “cheap seats,” usually the most inexpensive in the house. Seating Tips & Advice "The West Balcony is one of my preferred seating locations" - The West Balcony is way up high at the suite level, with 3 rows of seats and a row of bar stools.I love the bar stools and aim for these seats now when I go see my Rangers. The fundamental acoustics of the Benedum are excellent for opera performances, with even resonance from bass to high notes. In the case of the patron they are walking into a row in a controlled manner with fixed seating on one side. Liquor is permitted (and encouraged) in more and more performing arts centers. Is the exception for a Sightline-constrained rail at the front of the balcony being challenged in codes? Because most theater groups pretty much confine themselves to using a single center section of seats on the ground floor, there's not a bad seat to be had. There really are no bad seats, because no seat at the compact venue is more than 65 feet away from the stage. That provides a clear view and, because of the venue's size, puts a person only nine rows back. In general, rows J and M, seats 21 and 22 are fine for theatrical performances. The balcony seats tend to be pretty high up, but they might be the best choice for the budget-conscious. In general, rows J and M, seats 21 and 22 are fine for theatrical performances. Yet both the right and left sections have their advantages. Here are the answers to CodyCross Front rows of the low balcony in a theater. BC: There is a strong case to be made for height plus width equaling 42-inches. For a visual performance, avoid the side seats of the Grand Tier, which offer views of heads and shoulders rather than the stage. 2) No elevator. If IBC and LSC will be revised, it seems a clear line between sports venues and performing arts spaces is needed. The NFPA Life Safety Code (LSC) has similar exceptions. If it's a stage play you're going to see, definitely sit farther forward than you ordinarily might choose. Choose aisle seats left or right of center for better visibility if you're short or for a little more leg room if you're tall. We hope to help you avoid that kind of scenario by offering a guide to the best seat in the house for Pittsburgh-area venues. They provide a slightly higher view of the stage and are convenient: To one's right, the bar is a few steps away; to one's left, the bathrooms. The performance probably started at about 2 p.m. (noun) 1. a raised audience seating area, balcony; a raised seating area at the side of an auditorium, often with only one or two ows r of loose chairs; 2. a raised work platform within the stage house, pro-viding walkways for staff and operating and mount-ing positions for theatre equipment As theatre designers, we must carefully consider the needs of audience experience as well as their safety. We see the code as only getting stricter in this case over time. and help us continue covering the stories that matter to you and your community. Box seats often need a code minimum railing to allow sightlines. Mr. Small's Funhouse: Because there are no seats in Mr. Small's, you have to stand. So if sightlines are so important, why can’t we just look through glass as frequently done in an arena or stadium? Even royalty loved watching a play. If you can stand the tobacco smell, the smoking section -- the section to the left of the stage, when facing it -- gives you the best insider's seat, which is perfect if you have backstage passes. DR: Because at some point, building a balcony does not make any sense if the views to the stage will be blocked for an average height person. 282 reviews of American Conservatory Theater: The Geary Theater "may not be quite as large as the broadway theaters in nyc (more comparable to an off broadway theater); but provides an equally high caliber of shows. Down lower, you'll end up being level with the stage and seeing only the performers in the front. One of the possible presently unintended outcomes is recognition the 42-inch guard is based on very old study data and probably not sufficient for people of today’s taller stature. consisting of metal or fireproof fabric to prevent fire from spreading. At a ball park, reaching for a foul ball is more common than someone in a theatre doing the same. And the front of the second balcony is a much better place to sit than the back of the first balcony. Planet Fitness Lounge - Seating in the Planet Fitness Lounge on the Club Level is found in sections 109-112. It's also a good seat for those with long legs as you get a little more stretching room as you angle your legs toward -- please, not into -- the aisle. Larger theaters may even have multiple mezzanines (thankfully, they … An usher walks the aisles, talks to people, and points to seats. This is not a balcony by any means, just seating raised about 18 inches behind a center passage. are all possibilities for which management would be responsible. Signage, announcements, ushers and attendants telling people, even a program of awarding balls to people to dissuade them from reaching for tossed prizes. They provide severe angles. TH: A thicker wall can work and help to address the problem but it creates challenges for lighting and technical use. What if the seats are removed? One of the architects involved in a lot of stadia and arena design stated it well when he said fewer than five percent of the architects understood it at all. Image from a High School project, designed without a theatre consultant. Today we discuss the issues of “sightline-constrained rails” for assembly occupancies. Sitting at the top of the auditorium, gallery seats are the fourth level of seating and are furthest away from the action, but will often be the cheapest seats in the theatre. But it’s not insurmountable. Performers? The prime spots, comfort-wise, are anywhere along the serpentine divider that separates the non-alcoholic area from the area where beverages are available. Most of the people around us moved down or just left at intermission. Nevertheless, the best seats are upstairs. But the best seats are a couple of bar stools in an alcove near the rear of the venue. In 1600, London had a population of 200-250,000. These box seats offered separation from the general audience, but they also gave those seated in the orchestra and dress circle a view of the boxes’ occupants. Architects hate this [the taller guard along the lower, sight-constrained rail] because the shape of the railing is now a bit odd. Aisle accessways (aisle stairs that terminate at the balcony edge) are nearly inevitable, and probably the biggest issue. In the second case, a 1300-seat road house, the campus OSHA department insisted on a higher balcony rail, not for audience safety, or electrician safety, but for house cleaners. theatre, sports, worship). In this fact sheet, students will learn about who went to the theatre, how much they paid and more, providing a good background for understanding Shakespeare's audience.A printable version of this Fact Sheet is available in the downloads section below.AudiencesBy 1600 London theatres, like the Globe, could take up to 3000 people for the most popular plays. TH: If we look at the number of falls versus the number of attendees, I believe we see an extremely low rate of incidence. Shakespeare didn't write his plays for university students but for the stage. Part and parcel of good theatre design is making sure the audience can see and hear the stage well. A 30-inch railing is very comfortable for this position, but won’t work if the patron pushes the chair farther back. One part of their attempts to market the experience of watching a play was to pump it up through special effects. You look forward to the night, spiff yourself up ... and end up straining your neck to see the stage from an obstructed view. The seats in this 350-seat hall are divided by a center row. Exiting up that aisle puts you closer to the outer lobby for a quick, no-fuss exit. Can it be done in a clear way within the codes? While the balcony provides an interesting visual perspective, the downstairs seats sound great, too. That's where people line up against the wall for the meet-and-greet sessions. JH: There is one architectural advantage to the extension as used frequently here in Australia since it creates a hidden balcony rail lighting position. But the seats there are farther forward. The ticket sellers should have seating charts handy at the window. Having said that, depending on your tastes and priorities, some areas are better than others. In our interview discussions there was a general consensus that if rails can be taller without affecting sight lines, then they should be raised above the minimum. For more intimate shows -- such as last season's "Doubt" or this season's "Avenue Q," you'll want to sit close. Row D or farther back lets you watch the action while remaining slightly detached. parascenium If that matters to your comfort, ask the box-office manager before buying your tickets. Any fall presents a problem, but this problem seems to be minimized and controlled in performing arts venues. A cleaner works at and near the edge. When buying in person, ask to see where the seats are before you buy. The codes for places of public assembly don’t make distinction between various uses (i.e. Downstairs in the center is better than on the far sides, with rows 5 through 12 especially good. TH: Aisle stair ends create problematic railing heights and often lead us to alternate designs, such as avoiding internal aisles that meet the balcony front. Then later in construction another group of stakeholders, who maybe did not attend the earlier meeting, might decide to raise the railing, with the result that nobody in the balcony can see the front of the stage over the raised rail.” Careful planning and buy-in from everyone is clearly needed. Compounding the issue, venue workers like ushers, cleaning crew, a lighting technician, or even the director of a show, who may be subject to OSHA regulations that require a 42-inch guard will need to enter that same area a patron will need to sit an hour later. That means you're looking at the stage on a slight diagonal so that the aisle, rather than someone's head, is in your direct line of sight. If you like to get out fast, fast, fast, choose any seat from 22 through 34 in row M. That puts you right next to the aisle on the far-right wall. To enhance the experience of watching a play in the Globe, and also to attract audience members away from the temptations of bear baiting, taverns, and the red light district, playhouses had to get creative. TH: I believe this approach has merit but will be difficult to implement. Watch out not to get a seat under the balcony on the first level. If you are sitting on that side, you can react quickly and grab your place. An assistant director sits in a seat to watch the performance (and sometimes to sweat profusely!). The rich paid two pennies for entrance to the galleries, covered seating at the sides. On both sides and down into the lower balcony! If the seats are removed, technically the rail should be higher. If you are looking for a cheap evening out, the upper balcony will be just that but if you are looking for a more enjoyable night out with a little less discomfort I'd look at getting a seat … These aisle seats give you an unobscured view of the stage -- especially row M, which is the first one after the cross-aisle breaks left and right of center. This was several years ago, and to date I am not aware of any falls from the balconies. There are very few bad seats in the house, save a few tables that are near posts. The path of movement is also parallel with the balcony edge. I did two different projects where the guard could be lowered for patrons in wheelchairs. I bought tickets for the balcony through TodayTix late May and was seated house left. This enables you to enjoy the intimacy of the cabaret experience without feeling like the actors are watching you instead of vice-versa. DR: This has everything to do with the type of room, the shape of the room, the type of performances, and the sightline goals. READ MORE…. In 2013 there was a story about a fall in London’s Palace Theatre, but apparently the man was pushed by his wife as a “joke” and he luckily stopped his fall by grabbing the lighting rail along the balcony face. Several ASTC members discussed the issues, perceptions and some possible solutions. For theater performances, seat 21 or 22 in row G or H of the Orchestra is the best to be had. Though the seats against the rail and removing circulation from being directly adjacent, minimizes the hazard. Do we want to view dance or listen to live music through fingerprint smudged glass? In this case we had the ear of the executive director and were able to illustrate the potential catastrophic downside of raising the rail up to 42-inches. The seats farther back in the gallery have even better blends of sound, while many seats downstairs have more impact than the Dress Circle. Diesel: There are no seats, and if you want to drink, you have to go upstairs. If you're going to see a musical, you might want to opt for a seat in the Dress Circle section, the second balcony. We left early too, halfway through the second act. Seats under the balconies downstairs have surprisingly good sound. The front-center seats of the Grand Tier offer loads of leg room. DR: In concept yes, this would make sense in the same way that viewing sightlines in a movie theatre are different from a live performance. Any means, just above the first balcony Grand tier offer loads of room! Enough that you 'd get by sitting farther back too, halfway through the second act some. Happens frequently, can block vision occasionally even worse the bathroom was no cover area. 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