Later, Marina is seen taking a run with Diabla. He asks personal questions about which surgery she has had, then harasses her for a date. It is also as gripping as any procedural crime thriller, and … A Fantastic Woman 2017 ★★★½ . That night, Orlando wakes up in a daze and complains he does not feel right. Berlinale 2017. Am Ende steht sie auf der Konzertbühne und interpretiert in Perfektion Händels Opernarie Ombra mai fu. A Fantastic Woman. Competition – Una mujer fantástica | A Fantastic Woman – Silver Bear. His peerless cinematography with innovative visual techniques makes A Fantastic Woman a delight to witness. After driving Orlando to the hospital and checking him in, she is told by a doctor that Orlando has died of a brain aneurysm. Time Out says. A Fantastic Woman asks us to embrace all things fluid and, thanks to the superstar at its centre, it's a pleasure to go with the flow. 2,410 likes. She leaves the hospital in despair and calls Orlando's brother, Gabo. Then she drives the car to the car park, as instructed, and waits for Sonia. Orlandos Spind ist jedoch leer. 2 of 2 users found this helpful 2 0. Sie hält die Verbindung zu Marina für reinste Perversion und untersagt ihr die Teilnahme an der Totenmesse und Beerdigung. MPAA : Rated R for language, sexual content, nudity … Her sister, Wanda, and partner, Gaston, greet her affectionately, and drive her from the flat. The brother arrives and speaks to her with enough familiarity to convince the police officers of her innocence and lets her take Orlando's car home. Unterstützung erhält Marina nur von ihrer Schwester, deren Ehemann und ihrem Gesangslehrer, während ihr Orlando aus der Ferne mehrere Male als Geist erscheint. A Fantastic Woman (2017) LGBTQ • 1h 43m • Chile; From Chilean director Sebastián Lelio, whose Gloria provided an indelible portrait of a woman adrift, comes this incisive character study of a different nature. Graham Williamson’s review published on Letterboxd: Part of 30 Countries 2021. Bruno, Orlando's son, arrives and questions Marina using the name Marissa. I'm glad it won Best Foreign Language Film at The Oscars because it earned it in spades. A Fantastic Woman premiered at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival on 12 February 2017 where the movie won the Silver Bear for Best Screenplay and the Teddy Award, an award given to films with a LGBT theme. She asks Marina to hand over the flat as soon as she can. SAUNA - … [2], Der Film wurde bei der Christa Kistner Synchronproduktion nach einem Dialogbuch und unter der Dialogregie von Beate Klöckner vertont. She goes to the funeral home after the ceremony has taken place. Monate später hat Marina gemeinsam mit dem zurückerlangten Hund eine kleine Wohnung gefunden. A Fantastic Woman. Eine fantastische Frau (Originaltitel: Una mujer fantástica, englischsprachiger Festivaltitel: A Fantastic Woman) ist ein Spielfilm von Sebastián Lelio aus dem Jahr 2017. In the movie A Fantastic Woman, Marina and Orlando are in love and planning for the future.Marina is a young waitress and aspiring singer. Der Einzug in Orlandos luxuriöse Wohnung steht unmittelbar bevor. Reviewed by Guy Lodge for Variety from the 2017 Berlin Film Festival. A transgender woman becomes a suspect in her boyfriend's accidental death. Die Beerdigung verpassend, macht sie Bruno und Sonia eine Szene, ehe sie der Geist Orlandos ins Krematorium führt. Nach dem Essen besuchen beide eine Disco und verbringen die Nacht gemeinsam in Orlandos Wohnung. Die internationale Koproduktion basiert auf einem Originaldrehbuch des chilenischen Regisseurs, das er gemeinsam mit Gonzalo Maza verfasste. The next morning, Marina discovers the details of Orlando's funeral in the newspaper. After celebrating Marina’s birthday one evening, Orlando falls seriously ill. Home. On her way out, Gabo follows and apologizes to her. Following an employee into the morgue, she is able to see Orlando's body and say goodbye to him before his cremation. "A Fantastic Woman" is not just about a person asserting her right to be treated like a person. Santiago de Chile, in der Gegenwart: Die junge Transgender-Frau Marina arbeitet als Kellnerin in einer Bar und tritt gelegentlich als Sängerin auf. Sie wird mit Klebeband gefesselt, von den Männern drangsaliert und aus dem Auto gestoßen. [3], Zwischen 2017 und 2018 gewann Eine fantastische Frau 16 Film- und Festivalpreise, darunter bei der Oscarverleihung 2018 den Preis für den besten fremdsprachigen Film. He decides to take the dog despite Marina's protestations. The website's critical consensus reads, "Subtle and tender, A Fantastic Woman handles its timely, sensitive subject matter with care. Dort angekommen, können die Ärzte nichts mehr für Orlando tun und müssen der erschütterten Marina seinen Tod mitteilen. Edit. Entering the graveyard, she is confronted by Orlando's family who are leaving in their car. Wanda and Gastón warn her to let it go, and Marina says she will not attend. (This is when the police photos are taken). Recommended. Berlinale 2017. She is then picked up by police, who drive her back and demand an explanation for why she left so suddenly. SAUNA - DOWNTOWN SANTIAGO -- DAY 2 Orlando lying face down on a massage bed. It was selected to compete for the Golden Bear in the main competition section of the 67th Berlin International Film Festival. Instead of being able to mourn her lover, Marina is treated with suspicion by authorities and with disdain by his family. Scared and alone, Marina then walks to a gay club where she meets a man, dances with him, and fools around with him. She rings a local textile company saying she wants a wreath and thus discovers where the wake is being held. The movie revolves around a transgender actress who falls in love with an older man who suddenly falls ill and dies and is forced to confront his family and society. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11. She is later accosted by Bruno and his friends from a car. 4 out of 5 stars. He gives her the birthday gift of a note promising tickets to a famous resort because he has mislaid the actual tickets before or after visiting the sauna. Upon her arrival, Sonia stops the service and demands that Marina leave. Nach der Berlinale-Premiere wurde Eine fantastische Frau von der Fachkritik gelobt und als Mitfavorit auf den Hauptpreis gehandelt. List of submissions to the 90th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, List of Chilean submissions for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, "Sony Classics Picks Up Berlin Competition Pic 'A Fantastic Woman, "Una Mujer Fantástica (A Fantastic Woman)", "Aki Kaurismäki, Oren Moverman, Agnieszka Holland, Andres Veiel, and Sally Potter – First Films for the Competition of the Berlinale 2017", "Oscars 2018: The list of nominees in full", "A Fantastic Woman (Una mujer fantástica) (2017)", "Chile approves law for transgender citizens to change official details", "Oscars: Chile's Win for 'A Fantastic Woman' a Transgender Watershed", "Grand Prix UCC 2018: cinq finalistes issus de quatre pays, le Cavens à Home", "Le Festival du Film de Cabourg 2017 a distingué ses lauréats", "Critics' Choice Awards: 'The Shape of Water' Leads With 14 Nominations", "GLAAD Media Awards: 'This Is Us,' 'A Fantastic Woman' Among Winners", "Golden Globes 2018 Film Nominees Led by 'The Shape of Water' and 'The Post, "Argentine Drama "Alanis" Takes Best Film Award at the Havana Film Festival", "Collateral Awards of Havana Film Festival Granted", "2018 Independent Spirit Award Nominations: 'Get Out' and 'Call Me by Your Name' Dominate", "Félicité Garners Palm Springs Accolades", "Sebastian Lelio's 'A Fantastic Woman' Sweeps Platino Awards", Academy Award for Best International Feature Film, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Film – Limited Release, The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love, Independent Spirit Award for Best International Film,, Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award winners, Independent Spirit Award for Best Foreign Film winners, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing Swahili (macrolanguage)-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 March 2021, at 12:19. 1 talking about this. She asks what it belongs to and the man says his sauna. Ein wenig getrübt wird die Feier dadurch, dass Orlando Marinas Geburtstagsgeschenk, Reisegutscheine zu den Iguazú-Wasserfällen, verlegt hat. It was selected as the Chilean entry for the Best Foreign Language Film where it won in the 90th Academy Awards. A MASSEUR begins to massage his back. Marina, a transgender woman who works as a waitress and moonlights as a nightclub singer, is bowled over by the death of her older boyfriend. Parents need to know that A Fantastic Woman, a Chilean drama with English subtitles, is about a transsexual woman in the aftermath of the death of her lover, a prosperous and charming businessman.The film, which stars a transgender woman in the title role, won multiple international awards, including the 2018 Academy Award for Best Foreign-Language Film. You will never forget this film! Sie findet heraus, auf welchem Friedhof Orlando beerdigt werden soll. It was selected to compete for the Golden Bear in the main competition section of the 67th Berlin International Film Festival. Though tragic and upsetting in tone and events, A Fantastic Woman takes its themes of love, loss, grief, cruelty, bigotry, trans-phobia, and police corruption to heart. It's also about Marina's conflicting views of womanhood, and how she might (or might not) fit into it. “A Fantastic Woman” has been making waves since its premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival in early 2017, when it was picked up by Sony Pictures Classics. Marina attends Orlando's wake. Februar 2021 um 00:42 Uhr bearbeitet. Yet it’s hard to shake the feeling that something is missing. Unter Schock läuft Marina aus dem Krankenhaus fort und irrt durch die Straßen, ehe sie von einer Polizeistreife aufgegriffen und zurückgebracht wird. S ebastián Lelio’s Oscar-nominated film A Fantastic Woman is a sublime study in the exalted ordeal of grief. A Fantastic Woman. The film is co-produced by Fabula (Chile), Participant Media (USA), Komplizen Film (Germany), Muchas Gracias (Chile) and Setembro Cine (Spain). A Fantastic Woman (Spanish: Una mujer fantástica) is a 2017 drama film directed by Sebastián Lelio, written by Lelio and Gonzalo Maza, produced by Juan de Dios and Pablo Larraín and starring Daniela Vega and Francisco Reyes. Watched Mar 14, 2021. She also suggests Orlando was paying Marina as a sex worker rather than that they had a regular relationship. She thinks she sees Orlando again. Marina is a young transgender woman living in Santiago, Chile, who works as a singer and a waitress. Showing all 3 items Jump to: Certification; Spoilers (3) Certification. Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin uraufgeführt. [13] It was the second Chilean film to win an Oscar, after Bear Story in 2016. They are in love and planning for the future. 2017 103 minutes. A Fantastic Woman is fundamentally a movie structured to garner sympathy for a minority person who is chastised at the hands of damn near everyone she encounters. Marina gets out of the car early without her luggage. She is taken to dinner by her boyfriend, Orlando, an older man with whom she has recently moved in. SAUNA - DOWNTOWN SANTIAGO -- DAY 1 ORLANDO (57), in a steamy room lying on a bed bare-chested, in an old-fashioned sauna. Gleichzeitig lässt sie sich zur Opernsängerin ausbilden. A Fantastic Woman Screenplay by Sebastián Lelio Gonzalo Maza . Lelio is currently filming his first English-speaking feature film, DISOBEDIENCE, starring Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams and Alessandro Nivola. She visits the sauna nervously and books in. [6] It was selected as the Chilean entry for the Best Foreign Language Film where it won in the 90th Academy Awards.[7][8]. If it were an American production with… Review by Michael Sicinski ★★ 3 [4] A Fantastic Woman, the earlier of two films released this year by the suddenly prolific Sebastiàn Lelio, is confusing on a number of fronts. Der zuständige Arzt ignoriert Marinas Beziehung zu dem Verstorbenen. Film, Drama. Das Melodram wurde am 12. They also check her (old) ID card and thereafter call her 'sir'. Daniela Vega is the main star as leading actress playing Marina. While working, Marina is visited by a detective. An Marinas Geburtstag lädt er sie in ein Restaurant ein. Sie ist glücklich mit dem 20 Jahre älteren Textilunternehmer Orlando liiert, der für Marina einst seine Familie verließ. $3.99 Rent HD. His friends grab her and force her into the car. Die internationale Koproduktion basiert auf einem Originaldrehbuch des chilenischen Regisseurs, das er gemeinsam mit Gonzalo Maza verfasste. Later she stays with Wanda and Gastón. $12.99 Buy HD. Coming to Sebastián Leilo's Oscar-winning melodrama a few years late does mean sticking your head into a bit of a Discourse™, and it's a discourse where neither side can be easily dismissed. Competition – Una mujer fantástica | A Fantastic Woman – Silver Bear. In the last scene, she sings an opera recital to a packed auditorium. X. DANIELA VEGA . At work she serves a customer with a numbered key similar to one Orlando left her. Two days earlier, the film was acquired by Sony Pictures Classics. Der Film schnitt im internationalen Kritikenspiegel der britischen Fachzeitschrift Screen International von allen Wettbewerbsfilmen gemeinsam mit On the Beach at Night Alone von Hong Sang-soo am drittbesten ab (jeweils 3,0 von vier möglichen Sternen), hinter Die andere Seite der Hoffnung von Aki Kaurismäki (3,7 Sterne) sowie dem chinesischen Zeichentrickfilm Hao ji le (3,3 Sterne) und noch vor dem späteren Goldenen-Bären-Gewinner Körper und Seele von Ildikó Enyedi (2,7 Sterne). Marina returns to the flat she shared with Orlando and is comforted by the Alsatian dog, Diabla. A Fantastic Woman. In der Folge verhält sich Orlandos Familie Marina gegenüber feindselig, ausgenommen Orlandos Bruder Gabo, der Verständnis für die Beziehung aufbringt. Erzählt wird die Geschichte einer Transgender-Frau (dargestellt von Daniela Vega), die sich nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Lebensgefährten (Francisco Reyes) mit den Vorurteilen und der Wut seiner Familie sowie der Voreingenommenheit von Behörden konfrontiert sieht. Orlando is 20 years older than her, and owns a printing company. A FANTASTIC WOMAN is the story of Marina, a waitress and singer, and Orlando, an older man, who are in love and planning for the future. Drama. Marina is a young waitress and aspiring singer. A Fantastic Woman is a film on the cusp of greatness – Benjamín Echazarreta’s dreamy cinematography lends it an ethereal quality, as does Matthew Herbert’s flute-heavy score, capturing the way Marina’s spirit seeks to break free from the confines placed on it by society and Orlando’s family. After he has gone, Marina takes the car to be washed. She lies naked in bed, knees bent, with a round mirror placed over her genital area. A Fantastic Woman (Spanish: Una mujer fantástica) is a 2017 drama film directed by Sebastián Lelio, written by Lelio and Gonzalo Maza,[5] produced by Juan de Dios and Pablo Larraín and starring Daniela Vega and Francisco Reyes. Stylistically, “A Fantastic Woman” is a cooler, trickier object than Lelio’s previous film “Gloria,” a marvelous human comedy of middle-aged rebirth that deserved greater crossover success. Marina and Orlando are in love and planning their future, when one night Orlando suddenly falls ill and passes away. Damit wurde erstmals ein Beitrag aus Chile ausgezeichnet. Marina war nicht rechtzeitig zum Verhör erschienen und hatte vergessen, Orlandos Treppensturz anzugeben. When they insult her, she climbs on top of the car and yells angrily that she wants her dog back. She goes to see her singing teacher who wonders if she is there to learn opera or for moral support... Marina prepares to move out of Orlando's apartment. Ein in Orlandos Sachen gefundener Schlüssel führt Marina durch Zufall in eine Sauna, wo sie sich halbnackt als „Mann“ Zugang zur Herrenumkleide verschafft. Als Marina ihn ins Krankenhaus bringen will, stürzt Orlando benommen eine Treppe hinunter und verliert auf der Autofahrt ins Krankenhaus das Bewusstsein. Stunned, they drive away. Marina apologises but Sonia takes this to be for the 'whole soap opera', and says she thinks what happened between her ex and Marina was 'perverted'. 2 INT. Orlando is 20 years older than her, and owns a printing company. She 'sees' Orlando and is disturbed. Für 28 weitere Preise war der Film nominiert (u. a. für den Golden Globe Award und den Critics’ Choice Movie Award als bester fremdsprachiger Film).[4]. September 2017. (To prove this did not happen, the following day Marina reports to the police station and is photographed nude to prove that there was no violent exchange between them on the night of Orlando's death.). 0. imthenoob Jul 11, 2018. 2018 wurde der Film als chilenischer Beitrag mit dem Oscar als bester fremdsprachiger Film ausgezeichnet. "[9] It currently holds a score of 86 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 43 reviews, indicating "universal acclaim". Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin, San Sebastián International Film Festival, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, Vorlage:FSK/Wartung/typ nicht gesetzt und Par. The two script writers, who got awarded the Silver Bear for Best Screenplay. As Marina prepares to take him to the hospital, he stumbles down a flight of stairs. Sebastián Lelio directs A Fantastic Woman with care and sensitivity towards transgender people. Dort kann sie von ihrem Geliebten Abschied nehmen. A Fantastic Woman is a phenomenal film and one of 2017's most overlooked! Directed by Sebastián Lelio. They threaten her and wrap her face in scotch tape, leaving her in an alleyway. The detective, Adriana, reveals she works in solving crimes that include sexual assault, and was concerned by the bruises Orlando suffered during his fall. About the film (2017) Sebastián Lelio's Oscar-winning drama starring Daniela Vega. The detective thinks, as a sex worker who is transgender, Marina may have been beaten up by Orlando and in defending herself she caused his injuries. Vega is the anchor of truth at the core of A Fantastic Woman’s occasionally dreamlike fantasy. With Daniela Vega, Francisco Reyes, Luis Gnecco, Aline Küppenheim. [11] Chile subsequently approved laws for transgender citizens to change their official details in late 2018.[12]. [1], The film currently holds a 94% approval rating on review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 221 reviews, with an average rating of 8.10/10. Der deutsche Kinostart erfolgte am 7. Fortan begegnet man ihr hauptsächlich mit Verachtung und Misstrauen. She tells Marina not to go to the funeral. Add to Wishlist. The movie barely pushes an hour and a half run time. A Fantastic Woman (2017) Parents Guide Add to guide . The story of A Fantastic Woman is one about grief and shock, exploring the question of what happens to a person when their lover dies just moments after they were in a tender embrace. A FANTASTIC WOMAN, was supported by Berlinale's Residency. Mitten in der Nacht wacht Orlando von Krämpfen geplagt auf. "A Fantastic Woman" was undoubtedly a very good movie, the performance of Daniela Vega was wonderful, the vision of Sebastian Lelio has been very risky but very functional, this reflects that women have the surprise factor to be someone in the lifetime. Die geschockte Marina flüchtet sich in eine Disco, Sex mit Männern und ihre Fantasie, ehe sie beginnt, für ihr Recht auf Trauer zu kämpfen. Er lässt durch einen Polizisten ihre Personalien aufnehmen, in denen sie noch mit ihrem bürgerlichen Namen „Daniel“ geführt wird und hält sich nur an Familienangehörige. [10], A Fantastic Woman's Oscar win was utilised by Chilean LBGTQ activists to accelerate local discussions on a gender identity bill. OPENING TITLES - IGUAZU WATERFALLS 1 INT. Als Marina gegen den Willen von Sonia bei Orlandos Totenmesse erscheint, wird sie kurze Zeit später von Bruno und zwei weiteren Männern im Auto entführt. Eine fantastische Frau (Originaltitel: Una mujer fantástica, englischsprachiger Festivaltitel: A Fantastic Woman) ist ein Spielfilm von Sebastián Lelio aus dem Jahr 2017. Wearing a towel and sweating profusely she locates the lockers and opens Orlando's, but it is empty. After Orlando suddenly falls ill and dies, Marina is forced to confront his family and society, and to fight again to show them who she is: complex, strong, forthright, fantastic. She tells them about Orlando's son coming into the flat uninvited and they suggest she tell the police, but she wants nothing to do with the police. A Fantastic Woman is co-written and directed by Lelio and stars Vega and Francisco Reyes. Marina is a young waitress and aspiring singer. Eine Auswahl der gewonnenen Preise und Auszeichnungen: 67. 4 out of 5 stars. Marina is contacted by Sonia, Orlando's ex-wife, and they arrange a time for Marina to drop off Orlando's car. Orlandos Ex-Ehefrau Sonia, die mit ihm eine heranwachsende Tochter hat, nimmt den Wagen des Verstorbenen in Beschlag. 2018: Palm Springs International Film Festival – Cine Latino Award für Sebastián Lelio (Lobende Erwähnung). A Fantastic Woman received a nomination for Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards,[8] and became the first Chilean film to win the award in this category. 31. When Sonia arrives she checks over the car and becomes upset. Feb 18, 2017 | Gonzalo Maza, Sebastián Lelio [...] Feb 18, 2017 Gonzalo Maza, Sebastián Lelio. Orlandos erwachsener Sohn Bruno begegnet ihr offen gewalttätig, möchte sie aus der Wohnung des Vaters haben und entwendet den gemeinsamen Schäferhund. A FANTASTIC WOMAN is the story of Marina, a waitress and singer, and Orlando, an older man, who are in love and planning for the future. 3 INT. Auch gerät Marina mit der Kriminalkommissarin Adriana in Konflikt, die hinter Orlandos Tod und ihrem plötzlichen Verschwinden aus dem Krankenhaus eine mögliche Sexualstraftat vermutet. 1 länger als 4 Zeichen,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, 2017: Cabourg Film Festival – Bester Film, 2017: Black Film Critics Circle Award (Bester ausländischer Film), 2017: Premio Fénix (Bester Film, Beste Regie, Beste Darstellerin – Daniela Vega). Orlando is 20 years older than her, and owns a printing company. Gabo rings and tells Marina that Orlando will be cremated and he wants her to have some of the ashes. Today: Chile! Erzählt wird die Geschichte einer Transgender-Frau (dargestellt von Daniela Vega), die sich nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Lebensgefährten (Francisco Reyes) mit den Vorurteilen und der Wut seiner Famili… Sie beginnt daraufhin für ihr Recht auf Trauer zu kämpfen. Februar 2017 im Wettbewerb der 67. Foto: Cortesía Cine Caníbal . 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